Peanut Noir

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Rate order and buy something on Peanut's account

You rated her order 5 stars. Of course.
You get the NAUGHTY INCLINATION to order something for yourself on Peanut's AMEWZON ACCOUNT. You immediately reconsider on account of being a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN, and an act such as that would be FRAUD and THIEVERY, and these are things you are NOT INCLINED to do.
Instead being the GOOD SISTER you are, you order her something that you are sure she would want. Ah yes, a KICKYKAT CAT TOY. Hours of fun and infused with CATNIP.
You don't seem to recall her having this in her office. Or does she? Oh well, maybe if she has a second, she'll just have to give one to you!!!

What now?


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Start Copyright 2018 BIGWAIFU STUDIOS Peanut Noir:39